NEW AGE KURLING | Experience the Joy of Indoor Kurling | Latest News

NEW AGE KURLING | Experience the Joy of Indoor Kurling

Indoor Kurling set

Indoor adaptive kurling is suitable for everyone, regardless of how old or fit you are. And hold the ice too because this isn’t like the curling you see on the TV, the stones are equipped with casters, making it an ideal game to enjoy inside.

Whether you're looking to engage in some friendly competition or simply want to have a good time and make some new friends with like-minded folk, indoor kurling ticks all the boxes.

Join us as we dive into the exciting world of this game and explore how it promotes physical activity and inclusivity.

The objective of the game is simple: slide the stones towards the target. And the best part? You can play indoor kurling with just two people or form teams, so you can play friendly matches and team competitions.

Charleston group playing Kurling

Peoplehood provide an equipment lending library where members can borrow the kit needed to play indoor adaptive kurling. This initiative ensures that everyone has access to the necessary resources, making it easier than ever to try it out.

Additionally, we organize regular groups across various neighbourhoods, offering you the chance to join in on the fun. Don't miss out on Feel Good Friday in Cardonald, Try it out Wednesday in Charleston or come along to Buckie's Men Shed and the Friendship Group to try Kurling. To see other activities we run in the neighbourhoods, visit Charleston, Cardonald or Buckie page.

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